Rowing in Britain

A brief history of rowing over the last 200 years

This book was commissioned by the Shire Library in January for a summer publication date so it was written at indecent speed but with great passion. Rowing is in our family’s blood and although I came to it late, I have a great affection for it. This book charts, in briefest form, the history of rowing in Britain since it was first practised at the public schools in the late eighteenth century. It opens with a show-stopping race at Henley Royal Regatta in 2007 when Shrewsbury School beat the Canadian champions by one foot in the final of the Princess Elizabeth Challenge Cup. Five years on a member of that school boy crew stroked the Harvard first Eight to victory in the Ladies Challenge Plate. They beat Leander by … One Foot.

Published 10 July 2012 by The Shire Library

ISBN 978-0747812111

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