Newsletter: October 2009

News Update

This is just a quick update to say that I will be appearing on Excess Baggage on Radio 4 on Saturday 17th October at 10am to talk about my visit Thailand when I was preparing to write The Colonel of Tamarkan. My mother and I made the trip in 2003 and I have been back twice since then. The clash between the tourism that has sprung up around the Bridge on the River Kwai at Tamarakan and the history of the railway’s construction by prisoners of war and Asian labourers is stark but fascinating. There are some funny stories too about our adventures, which I hope might also come up during the programme. The other guest is Tom Carver, whose father was in Italy during the war. I should think he encountered similar contrasts there too.

Excess Baggage, BBC Radio 4, 10am on Saturday 17th October 2009Other Events in October/November

  • Every Picture Tells a Story, Off the Shelf Festival of Writing & Reading Sheffield, 2pm on 17th October 2009
  • Stranger in the House, Off the Shelf Festival of Writing & Reading Sheffield 2pm on 18th October
  • The Making of Modern Remembrance, Abingdon School (public evening lecture), Friday 6th November 2009

I’m always delighted to hear from anyone with feedback or general comments so do please get in touch if you wish.

Julie Summers

10 August, Oxford

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